MVP Games

Customer expert

Shape-shifting guardian of the users needs.

The Feature Set

Some questions to help you get started and keep you going

What abilities do you have as a team?
What are your customers asking for?
Where are your competitors failing?
What is missing from the market?
What pains do your customers have?
What opportunities will create revenue?
Does everyone agree these features are important?

The Attractiveness Map

Some questions to help you get started and keep you going

What is the feature your customers keep asking for?
How busy is your technical team?
How can we deliver that killer feature in The Stars?
Where is the data to support your Goldmine?
Are we 100% sure this is a Goldmine feature?
Are these features really Quick Wins?
Why is that feature challenging?
How do we know that feature has so much potential?

The Focus Dartboard

Some questions to help you get started and keep you going

Discuss what each area should be called?
How can we have as few cards as possible in Now?
What will stop things in Now happening?
What are the things in Now that are easy to do as a team?
Will the data and technical solution support this feature?
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